
Here you will find a host of resources and links to further information and support across the Bradford District,  including our current hate crime strategy issued in partnership with the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Hate Crime Strategy

Hate Crime Strategy

A core piece of work for Bradford and its surrounding districts has been the development of the hate crime strategy.  The strategy forms the backbone of the councils and its partners approach to addressing hate crime across the Bradford District. The strategy could not be developed without the involvement and engagement of key stakeholders. People from protected characteristic groups were consulted and the results used to inform and shape the priorities for the district. A key issue for the district is the under-reporting of hate crimes. We need to better understand why people chose not to report and their reasons.

The strategy provides a framework from which the local authority and its partners can be held to account. The Hate Crime Action Plan, has been created from the strategy.  This will form the bulk of the work for the council and its partners in addressing hate crimes across the district.

Videos - Victim Experiences of Hate Crime
